Meet Ruhul Amin, Project Manager of Children’s Services – Apasen

My name is Ruhul Amin.  I am the Project Manager of Children’s Services at Apasen.  I manage the care and befriending services provided for children with special needs in the Tower Hamlets area.

What I like about my job is that I am involved in something that genuinely helps vulnerable children.  I spend my day with people; staff, service users, and other professionals, and this I really enjoy.

I started my career as a care worker in the community.  That was in 2008.  I really enjoyed the work and in 2010 my manager had a chat with me and said he saw a lot of potential in me.  That was a very motivational conversation.  Later that year, an opening arose for a Field Care Supervisor.  I applied, was interviewed and was successful.  In 2012 I was again promoted, this time to an office role.

I was often asked to cover for various co-ordinators, work which I enjoyed, and a few years later I was asked to move on to co-ordinate four contracts.

Recently Apasen won the contract for the Children’s Befriending Service and the management decided to separate all the children’s services and appoint a manager.  As one of the contracts I was co-ordinating at the time was the children’s services, I was asked to apply.  I did so and here I am.  My 13 year journey from care worker to manager!

Top Tip

My advice to anyone thinking of working in care is to throw yourself into it with your whole heart, believe in yourself and grab opportunities as they arrive (and they surely will).

There is a huge scope for you to build a rewarding career in Health and Social Care and whether you are a carer, a manager, or somewhere in between, what you do really matters!