
Virtual Work Experience Webinar-Live Chats December

Virtual Work Experience Webinar/Live Chats

Are you interested in a career within the NHS, but unsure which career pathway to take?

BHRUT are excited to be able to offer the opportunity to register and attend a virtual work experience/live chat with an NHS Healthcare Professional. This will provide you with the opportunity to join an information session to find out more about a particular profession and ask any questions you have at the end of the session.

The following live chats are currently available to book onto:

Clinical Lead Therapist for Acute Elderly Therapies – 19th December (10am-11am)
Therapy Radiographer (Oncology) -19th December (11.30am-12.30pm)
Palliative Care Nurse – 19th December (3pm-4pm)
Consultant Physician/Rheumatologist -19th December (4.30pm-5.30pm)

To register your interest and or find out more on how to reserve your place, please email: